Tuesday, October 11, 2005


The Darfur and Eritrea meetings are merely to appease a lobby of Western Carpetbaggers who would like to squeeze the cane another time for new drops of juice out of Africa ,an Africa which is already burning due to weakness of Bureaucrats and Poverty of Regimes! Hostages or Attacks and International Moderation these are all tricks and waste of time .
Did you get Maryam Abacha's message offering to share Millions of Dollars? Nigerian’s are themselves no 1 in detraction of reality as some real issues regarding Banking by Western Carpettbaggers[Overseas Companies and Credit Union Banks] which have created a failure of Economies on Western Leaders table and bribed International Organisations as The Bureaucrats enlisted NGOs in early 80s keeping them well under their thumbs and helped on the Military Regimes.Pakistan is serving a lesson in its history from the absolute way wardness of such issues as selling war to brethren nations. It is not a bloody joke! One night before Killing and Civil War began the Sudanese Foreign Minister mer President Musharraf of Pakistan who naturally could not show any mercy although being a stockiest of US Weapons in The Region with 75% of his country being under United States Air Forces leg.
I strongly believe that issues must be looked at from new practicality as their is no rhythmic or arithmetic success the Western Alliance States regarding a cooperative development success and Western Leaders are carelessly laughing as they watch Africa being withered after its new freedom. In the modern 59 years of this worlds latest history of economics mankind has acquired a large reservoir of wealth with cooperation both country to country and continent to continent . Unluckily the joke 'if you read the old regimes book you are not reading the Modern Development Economics workability process keeping /holding that the Great Glamorous Electronic media must carry on and all confidence must show to State and Continental Exchequers as Large Funds are distributed against Super Macro Infrastructures . Liberian Former President John Taylor's Finance Chief and myself we discussed a Economic development Fund which enable Fisheries in Submerged Tanks in Rivers along Nile[Africa] Congo[Africa]Amazon [South America]Ganges [India] the All year water supply and speed of growth in tank fish has improved so much the project evolves with the End of World Food Shortage on my table .Today Poultry Farming is an Industry and an Industry can manipulate Prices and Production so how we get Meat Shortage ? but Europe is not really the Agro Economist as Local Bureaucratic sons of Military Regimes have stepped up with Carpet Baggers [Overseas Banking ,Credit Unions and Harvard /Oxford Students and IPs] who knowingly fell in Clash of Civilisations that ended with Collapse of US Sponsered World Economy read: www.geocities.com/greatglobalist/SHAHZADASHERSADDOZAI.txt


Blogger musafir said...

Thought that you might find this of interest.

"Is it arrogance that makes some politicians forget who they are talking to, and shoot themselves in the foot? Or do they just get carried away by the sound of their own voice? Whatever it is, I am sure they must wish that on occasion, they had kept their mouths shut"
---Irfan Husain www.khaleejtimes.com/.../opinion/2005/September/opinion_September75.xml§ion=opinion&col=


8:12 PM  
Blogger Shahzada Sher Saddozai said...

HAHA IRFAN! ha ha now you know how it comes! here were discussing Rupert Murdoch! Guyyyy! that was a sucker!
As we discuss the most severe symptom of Communication Breakdowns and errors that lead to confrontation between the present Western Alliace and Middleastern and Asian African countries the one figurative conclusion leads to media itself being onesided which another would say biased i wont because i feel that is what media is made of! .Long ago i saw a intercontinental playboy enjoying a tennis ball game alone ,can you?he had tied it to a pole.
The Middleastern countries are monied and experimenting within thier buearuacratic shopping and well as well the Afganistan Crisis lingers and the world audience never read one word of Osama or Taliban or connected failures like Sadaam or the world wide announcement of USA to War against Terrorism.The side opposite to Western Alliance states have no media and Prince Rupert made it sure by creating a Media that was to engage audience allover South East Asia Africa and later sell it in pieces to so many different countries that few who could see it assemble are unaffordable by the governments of these countries ,amongst which Singapore seems the only country or Japan who could support a positively new creation of alternate media in this world that could represent Asean ECO AL SARC Etc ., to North America and Europe .Because Prince Rupert who failed in USA with his experimental 200 Million Dollor investment and had to run to Germany or Jobseeking had also made sure before leaving Asia that his channel did not really stay at that best .I suspected him first day as he pocketed bills from satalite antenna sales and his MTV was screening rock dishonestly . It has no English NewChannel while the generation batch of Indian boys and girls coming from homes of veterans that The English invited to live with them after the ww2 Since spoke and represented English as good as Englishmen. Rupert failed in USA and it simplifys he had no more world society to prove he was anyone more than a BBC state controlled bureaucrat ,because in Europe or UK unless a star hero or champion doesnt unwind his celeberation in Newyork for least or take full USA he still feels the darkness ! Ruperts son runs some London newschannel with Dan Rather's support ! .
Asia still needs media although the publics spend the bills .
Shahzada Sher Saddozai
Graphic Communication Technologist .World Statesman

10/24/2005 10:52 AM

8:32 AM  
Blogger Shahzada Sher Saddozai said...

Africa however reported is poorly reported because The World reported one sided during Three World Wars is not reported.There is only One Power Electronic Media The Corporate Media and the World is at War which for many is a issue beteen Drug Dealers or Weapon Dealers but look at the time and speed of National Innhialation and Public Destruction under Regimes that will not understand or arnt able enough to readdress issues and face Western Alliance Media Wars. In Due Time Afaganistan Iraq have been wiped off the map of World and Sadan and Pakistan are reading diverse fates of Regimes .Noted must stand as Nations are not made entirely from the States definition of Land Population and Judiciary but Nations are made from a Will of desire in congruence of a certain dance in World Wide time ,and Dance after The Fall and Rise of The German Episode of Century is a single story of US Interference into World Political Affairs EI World War and successfully quitened and reset the issue by replacing Eyuropean Jews into a New Countrry by thier name and virtue to test in future as Partners in a New World with Completeion In Arts Sciences and one Race the Space Race. The Prime victims of this modren Electronic Media Information Communication Multimedia Technology are becoming leaders like Robert Mughabe of Zimbabwe who is also watching his entire neigbourhood getting washed away by bias from Lazzaiz Faire and Three World Wars of USA which are protecting Regimes both Islamic and Secular .Britian in hope it could score a convenmtional role in India knowingly the UKians could say 'were not going to Africa'and klet me assure you are not coming to India wheter it is standing or lying .

7:06 AM  
Blogger Shahzada Sher Saddozai said...

The most recent Media strucken Syrian Leaders were summoned to UNO Newyork to answer for a Murder and similiar high profile[Minister]in Kashmir is if no noticibility to World .Zimbabwe is where US UK are finding no concessions and Syria is a super organised Nation[MaShahAllah] Where USA officially gets no pin size peep into structuring a fact 'foot to foot 'knee to knee' and shoulder to shoulder' and leader to leader'or agent to agent' etc.

Les Syriens ont presque obtenu pris pour victime dans l'excitation quand les forces BRITANNIQUES des USA ont pris le Syria de Bagdad qui moins a été mutilé par Activity comme Sadaam Husains qui recherchait recklessly l'association et les Schismes internationaux de pratique de pression après que la guerre froide des Etats-Unis URSS ait fini. La pression internationale qui a suddeenly démarré recevoir l'appui de la Maison Blanche des USA pour parler jusque envahir la SYRIE et même a obtenu le Kowéit et l'Isreal pour parler de ses armes etc... Mais le bureau de foriegn de Colin Powells n'a obtenu aucun service d'agent ou le trou de piaulement à la promenade dans Damascuss simplement parce que les Etats-Unis et ses associés sont maintenant eux-mêmes se rend compte si les chefs thier ont le protégé devenu de la pression internationale [ les médias électroniques de corporation puissants [ additionnant des affaires de CNN Warner CHRONOMÈTRENT LA VIE AOL par 180 milliards d'USD Company ] maintenant à cette Maison Blanche des Etats-Unis d'étape critique prenaient l'aide de Suisse bien que tous les deux aient été riants et s'appelants 'Weasal 'un Rat[Countries avec la terre commune ] chasser les voies aériennes animales félines de Swis se sont chargés du Leasder syrien Addad pour rencontrer Colin Powell mais il n'y avait aucune suite des réunions parce qu'il est clair que la conduite des USA pratique non la conduite qui obtiennent les notes et les diplomacies étranges d'utilisation mais elles arwe non versé à tenir sur les pieds thier car elles sont des têtes des pyramides des affaires et seulement pendant les petites limites thier [ patrons CIA à long terme de portion dans les régions ] sur les questions qui courent la pression finie de decades.The venant de deux puissances du monde ne devraient pas malaise la sérénité de la Syrie qui n'est pas intervenues dans des affaires du monde concernant la GUERRE MONDIALE d'USAS SUR DES TERRORISTES CONTRE LE COMMERCE INTERNATIONAL d'ARME. Le des USA MAISON BLANCHE LA GUERRE MONDIALE CONTRE DES DROGUES et la GUERRE MONDIALE INTERNATIONALE de CHAMBRES de la DROGUE TRADE.or USWHITE CONTRE LA PAUVRETÉ et les scandales de Wonen musulman dans les pays d'associé thier.

7:12 AM  
Blogger Shahzada Sher Saddozai said...

......... The Syrians almost obtained taken for victim in the excitation when the BRITISH forces and the USA took Baghdad. Syria which wasless mutilated by World Press Activity as Sadaam Husains Iraq which sought recklessly the association of Post Cold War Western Alliance and applied the Schisms of practice ofor gaing Occidentale Pressure after the cold war of the USSR United States finished. SAK[ Such banking registeration did appear in UK ] Sadaam Attaked Khomieni[Headlines] Sadaam Attacks Kuwait[Headlines] Sadaam Innihilates KUrds [Headlines] The international pressure which has suddeenly started to receive the support of the White House of the USA to speak until invading SYRIA and even obtained Kowéit and Isreal to speak about its and Irani weapons etc...
But the office of Us foriegn Relations under Powells did not obtain any service of agent or the hole of light with the walk in Damascuss simply because the United States and its associates are now themselves reached accountability and their chief protection coverage come from the international pressure [ the electronic media of corporation powerful [ adding with the businesses of CNN Warner TIME the LIFE AOL by 180 billion USD Company ] maintaining at this White House of the United States of critical stage took the assistance of Switzerland although both were laughing and appealing ' Weasal cat-like animal'to each others character during Iraq War and aftermath of 9/11 in which UK ans USA recieved no vote or support except Turkey Italy or Spain which are still beghaving under colonial post ww2 pressure of USA where these countries were pro Naziz so USa is seated far deeper than France or UK .France which could not sustain one company threat as the US Sponsered Company in france blew up 50 Billon USD loss in One Day and the list of US Sponsered or Supported Companies ios long in France and Europe . Rat[Countries with the common ground ] To make ground for puzzled Colin Swiss Airways intervened and created a meeting betwen President Assad and Colin Powell but the meeting ,it had no continuation of the meetings there because it is clear that the Protocol of the USA practises not control which obtain the notes and the strange diplomacies of use but they arwe nonversed to hold on the feet thier because they are heads of the pyramids of the Political Picture in time and only during the small limits thier [ the long-term owners CIA of portion in the areas ] on the questions which run the finished pressure of decades.The recent coming from two powers of the world should not maleate the serenity of Syria which did not intervene in businesses of the world relating to the WORLD WAR of USED ON TERRORISTS AGAINST Of the USA WHITE HOUSE the WORLD WAR COUNTERS DRUGS and the INTERNATIONAL WORLD WAR of ROOMS of DRUG TRADE.or USWHITE AGAINST the POVERTY and the scandals of Moslem Women in the countries of their association .

7:29 AM  
Blogger Shahzada Sher Saddozai said...

Africa however reported is poorly reported because The World reported one sided during Three World Wars is not reported.There is only One Power Electronic Media The Corporate Media and the World is at War which for many is a issue beteen Drug Dealers or Weapon Dealers but look at the time and speed of National Innhialation and Public Destruction under Regimes that will not understand or arnt able enough to readdress issues and face Western Alliance Media Wars. In Due Time Afaganistan Iraq have been wiped off the map of World and Sadan and Pakistan are reading diverse fates of Regimes .Noted must stand as Nations are not made entirely from the States definition of Land Population and Judiciary but Nations are made from a Will of desire in congruence of a certain dance in World Wide time ,and Dance after The Fall and Rise of The German Episode of Century is a single story of US Interference into World Political Affairs EI World War and successfully quitened and reset the issue by replacing Eyuropean Jews into a New Countrry by thier name and virtue to test in future as Partners in a New World with Completeion In Arts Sciences and one Race the Space Race. The Prime victims of this modren Electronic Media Information Communication Multimedia Technology are becoming leaders like Robert Mughabe of Zimbabwe who is like a CEO A Person well versed to discuss every affair of his Company plus make final decisions whereever he is. Mughabe also watching his entire neigbourhood getting washed away by bias from Lazzaiz Faire and Three World Wars of USA which are protecting Regimes both Islamic and Secular .Britian in hope it could score a convenmtional role in India knowingly the UKians could say 'were not going to Africa'and klet me assure you are not coming to India wheter it is standing or lying .

7:06 AM

The most recent Media strucken Syrian Leaders were summoned to UNO Newyork to answer for a Murder and similiar high profile[Minister]in Kashmir is if no noticibility to World .Zimbabwe is where US UK are finding no concessions and Syria is a super organised Nation[MaShahAllah] Where USA officially gets no pin size peep into structuring a fact 'foot to foot 'knee to knee' and shoulder to shoulder' and leader to leader'or agent to agent' etc.

8:06 AM  
Blogger Shahzada Sher Saddozai said...

twenty some years ago this was possible that many of Arabs closest partnerships were efficiently farther than their actual value and placement on Global chessboard and the arm they can command on affairs of intense value to Westrn Alliance States.
Ago when some Arab advisors designed OPEC logos you could tell that they are going to be in centrefold blessing peace as 'they were touse Oil as weapon' .Oil however is a puzzle by value to West and morover few can today see that Arabs are statistically Wests backbone in exports because their stores buy most exquisite Foods and Fashions from West and more to add West is without Arabs left to Nationalismfior running themselves and their economies.
The Arab food and fashion export adds with their new passion production and marketting .Although they are at a very very early state with production but looking at thier entreprueners the full west stands sold to them.Its only the Arabs that Tiffany's came under hammer and its upto their financers to practice faster to let into higher figures already pioneers like Walid have handfyull of years as a World Leader in entreA twenty some years ago this was possible that many of Arabs closest partnerships were efficiently farther than their actual value and placement on Global chessboard and the arm they can command on affairs of intense value to Westrn Alliance States.
Ago when some Arab advisors designed OPEC logos you could tell that they are going to be in centrefold blessing peace as 'they were touse Oil as weapon' .Oil however is a puzzle by value to West and morover few can today see that Arabs are statistically Wests backbone in exports because their stores buy most exquisite Foods and Fashions from West and more to add West is without Arabs left to Nationalismfior running themselves and their economies.
The Arab food and fashion export adds with their new passion production and marketting .Although they are at a very very early state with production but looking at thier entreprueners the full west stands sold to them.Its only the Arabs that Tiffany's came under hammer and its upto their financers to practice faster to let into higher figures already pioneers like Walid have handfyull of years as a World Leader in entre

8:04 AM  
Blogger Shahzada Sher Saddozai said...

twenty some years ago this was possible that many of Arabs closest partnerships were efficiently farther than their actual value and placement on Global chessboard and the arm they can command on affairs of intense value to Westrn Alliance States.
Ago when some Arab advisors designed OPEC logos you could tell that they are going to be in centrefold blessing peace as 'they were touse Oil as weapon' .Oil however is a puzzle by value to West and morover few can today see that Arabs are statistically Wests backbone in exports because their stores buy most exquisite Foods and Fashions from West and more to add West is without Arabs left to Nationalismfior running themselves and their economies.
The Arab food and fashion export adds with their new passion production and marketting .Although they are at a very very early state with production but looking at thier entreprueners the full west stands sold to them.Its only the Arabs that Tiffany's came under hammer and its upto their financers to practice faster to let into higher figures already pioneers like Walid have handfyull of years as a World Leader in entreA twenty some years ago this was possible that many of Arabs closest partnerships were efficiently farther than their actual value and placement on Global chessboard and the arm they can command on affairs of intense value to Westrn Alliance States.
Ago when some Arab advisors designed OPEC logos you could tell that they are going to be in centrefold blessing peace as 'they were touse Oil as weapon' .Oil however is a puzzle by value to West and morover few can today see that Arabs are statistically Wests backbone in exports because their stores buy most exquisite Foods and Fashions from West and more to add West is without Arabs left to Nationalismfior running themselves and their economies.
The Arab food and fashion export adds with their new passion production and marketting .Although they are at a very very early state with production but looking at thier entreprueners the full west stands sold to them.Its only the Arabs that Tiffany's came under hammer and its upto their financers to practice faster to let into higher figures already pioneers like Walid have handfyull of years as a World Leader in entre

8:04 AM  

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